Ask a Nurse anytime with a 24/7 Nurse Hotline

Sometimes you need a quick answer to a health question. Maybe your concern can’t wait until you see your doctor. You can talk to our registered nurses day or night on our 24/7 Nurse Hotline.

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We're here to help!

How it works
Call a registered nurse anytime on our Aetna® Nurse Hotline to get help with:

  • Recommending whether to visit a doctor or urgent care center
  • Understanding your symptoms
  • Managing chronic conditions
  • Learning about treatment options and medical procedures

Ready to connect?
Call 1-800-556-1555 (TTY: 711) anytime to chat with a registered nurse. If you need emergency care, call 911 immediately.

*Note: Staff on the nurse call line cannot diagnose, prescribe or give medical advice

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