Enjoying Retirement

Woman Smiling

Wondering how to begin your health and wellness journey with your new Aetna Medicare plan? Read what member Nancy Baton has to say.

Enjoying retirement

Nancy Baton is enjoying her retirement after 32 years as a teacher and school principal for the state of New Jersey. She and her husband live in Westfield and have two children and five grandsons. 

“To be retired means that you can basically do what you want to do,” Nancy explains. “I love the freedom of being able to pick and choose.” Nancy thought about all the places she wanted to go to but wasn’t able while working. So far, retirement has taken her to Italy, Africa, Peru and France. When at home, Nancy stays active and social with Friday night cards with friends and two book clubs. 

Nancy is enrolled in Aetna Medicare Advantage and loves the plan for its wide range of coverage and low copays. “As you get older, you seem to have more doctors. I wanted to stay with the people that I had come to trust through the years. And when I switched to Aetna, I was able to keep those doctors.” 

Being healthy in retirement is very important to Nancy. 

“I do watch what I eat, and I try to exercise. Aetna supports me in living a healthy lifestyle.” She also participates each year in the Healthy Home Visit program. “They send a nurse once a year to check on your health,” she explained. This year, the nurse caught something. “She was a little bit concerned about my circulation in my right leg. So she sent out a test and my doctor called and said, ‘I think you should see a vascular surgeon’.” Now thanks to the nurse visit, Nancy avoided a potentially dangerous situation and is under the care of a specialist. “I never, would’ve known that, if the nurse had not come and examined me. So I’m grateful for that.” 

She recently had spinal surgery followed by physical therapy. “I had a great deal of support from Aetna because they supported what the doctor recommended. And I am now in physical therapy twice a week.... Having the support of Aetna and not having to worry about bills or paperwork, or is this covered.... I didn’t have to have any of that. All I do now is concentrate on my recovery.” 

Nancy’s Aetna Medicare Advantage plan is key to her happy retirement. “Travel is important to me. If you’re not healthy, you’re not going anywhere. Aetna has helped me stay on track.”

“Staying healthy is crucial for a quality of life. I did have the surgery, but I’m getting better every day.... As long as you can move about and feel good and have friends and do things, you can’t ask for anything more at this age.”

- Nancy Baton, Aetna Medicare Advantage member